Wednesday, 27 November 2013

You're in Milwaukee, off your feet

Bon Iver is on repeat today. 

I love his sound it's unfortunate that when i go on a binge of listening to him it's because I'm depressed. 

I somehow neglected writing here. Life happens. 

Uncle Joe passed away. Remembrance day was extremely hard. So much has changed in my family. Sister now lives on the island so I feel like an only child most of the time. 

Halloween came & went. 

School this semester has been up & down, but it definitely looks like I'll complete my degree by December 2014. That's only a year away. It's terrifingly wonderful. 

I would be lying if I said things were better. In some ways they are, but I still have a long way to go. There are days I wake up and I feel like I can take on the world. But today I woke up not wanting to leave bed and wanting to hide away from the world

Change doesn't happen over night as much as I wish it would. 
I really have lost weight. I beat my 10k time again, rolled my ankle during a half but it's doing fine now. and Here's hoping that I will rock future halfs in 2014. I've already signed up for two. 

I'm not really excited for Christmas . I'm actually more excited for the new year. 

I didn't end up going to Mardigras, I'll probably only make it to RoVent. But it should be a blast as it's the 40th year. 

I have a lot of growing up to do. I need to get this driving thing over with.  

Work is fine. I wish there was more of it. 

I've discovered trail running, I hope to do more of it next year and participate in some 5peaks races if I can. Racing is becoming an expensive habit but I love the friends I'm making. I'm inspired and motivated. 

I don't know what else to say, other then I'm really anxious about a lot of things and I really don't know what to do. 

I just wish I could fix things

Project Management was the biggest waste of time. Thank goodness I never have to take that class again. 
