Monday, 29 December 2014

Anything Could Happen

This seems appropriate considering my last post featured Ellie Goulding.

I'm a blogging, writing mood, so let's ramble and see where we go shall we?

The summer happened. I took classes and will get a certificate alongside my degree so that's rather neat.

Working at Summer Camps turned out to be a bit of a bust, but it was an experience none the less. The universe then presented the opportunity of working for the Capilano Student's Union. I officially left Running Room in August, and now also work an independent running store alongside my CSU job. So that's a plus.

I ended my long term relationship which last post I was beyond stoked about. Funny how things change . He didn't love me any more and we wanted different things. I am bitter and upset about it but I am moving forward and focusing on myself and what I want in the future. Yes that's blunt. Yes it seems mean but I don't see a point in sugar coating it. Maybe we can be friends one day, but not right now.

With this I have plans to runaway to Europe for a couple months in the fall. It's high time I did something for me.

School has been good. I officially graduate next Spring. I got through critical thinking which was amazing.

Both my dogs are gone. Shortly after break up they both passed away. I miss having a dog to cuddle when I come home after a rough day.  Bad things happen in threes. So I'm done now I think

I'm seeing someone. Sure most think I've moved to fast. But the nice part about an open relationship is it takes a lot of pressure off and the traditional relationship is a lot more work and effort then I'm willing to put in right now.

He makes me smile. I enjoy his company and respects me. I call it a win.

Driving is non existent. Anxiety is mangeable as well as depression but we shall see how NYE goes, considering the last time I was single I was a bit of a hot mess.

2015 holds a lot in store for me. I look forward to what the universe will present to me.

I'm doing ok. I really do mean that.

Sure I'm lonely. Sure I'm sad but it's getting better. Time heals everything. Cliche it's so true.

I want to improve my fitness . I want to get this driving thing dealt with. Like put it to rest.

2014 is not ending how I thought it would. But it always could be worse.

I do miss a lot of things. But I know things will get better

"I'm on a rollercoaster that only goes up my friend"
I spend way too much time looking up John Green but this quote is perfect here

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Starry Eyed

In some ways things are terribly wonderful! In other ways they are just awful.

I can't say much now in regards to bad things as I'm trying to fix it. It's worst when you have a problem and you have to wait so long to find a solution.

With that in mind what's new? 
Well tried to quit my job and ended up staying because discounts on shoes are wonderful since Running is still a prominent thing in my life.

I love my Fitbit. It helps keep me self motivated. I definitely have been struggling the last week to get myself out. 

"I don't about you but I'm feeling 22"
that's my anthem for the next year? I guess it beats Blink 182 and nobody liking you

Ellie Goulding was awesome. I hope I can see her live again and I look forward to future albums. Also she makes me feel better about being a white girl and having poor dancing skills. 

Yesterday wasn't the worst birthday I've had (nothing trumps the year I got strep throat and had to cancel) but I've had better

Working along with personal issues of anxiety and depression do not make for a fun day.

Also fun fact when I say I don't want to go out...that's actually what I mean. 

Fingers crossed I get a new job on the mountain. Odds are looking good so far. 
Summer classes because I am determined to make graduation as reality.

Also NYC I'm coming for you. It's happening.

Boyfriend and I have been together 25 months (2 years and 1 month)
That's crazy. And awesome. But mostly crazy

He also won the SunRun. I'm dating a champion. I'm like a Trophy wife but not really. I'm calling myself that for now until I come up with a better title that's shorter then "Dating future paralympian"

I do hope 2014 is a better year. So far I am doubtful. 
Next year will be amazing because of PJ I know that. 

It's been over 8 months since World Moot I miss my international patrol. I miss Rovering in general. 

Luckily the Skeetpocalypse will fix that. 
As well as Byng
I love the Coast. 