My favourite song off Dan Mangan's new album Oh Fortune. Which by the way the concert was epic. I now own the cracklings cd and it's signed and the other opening band the Daredevil Christopher Wright was pretty good too.
Thursday I lounged about and had a quiet day. It was lovely. Friday was Remembrance Day. A day in which we take time to remember those who have fought and died for our country. Since I can recall I have gone to the Cenotaph participated in the parade in my uniform and then had lunch with my Great Uncle Joe who fought in World War 2.
Next year I'm going to the Legion with him and I'm buying the first round. After lunch I went out flyering for the upcoming bottle drive. It was windy it started hailing it was rather crazy weather.
That night I went out to the Arkells. and I saw Dan there :) so that was awesome. Saturday was more a lay about day but I did some work. In fact I had the house to myself so it was rather quiet.
Yesterday I worked and the wind will be the death of me. Nothing is more terrifying then being on that tram when it's windy. Nothing. Even on the blue tram which has better clearance. and according to some of my coworkers we were on standby yesterday evening. A weird way of saying we can't run the tram till the wind calms down.
I've handed in my photo essay so my week is off to a good start. I have laundry that needs to be done and all sorts of other organizing that needs to happen. and there is less then 3 weeks of classes left so I should probably start cramming for finals next week.
I finish them on the 13th which is superb then I'm off to my cousins wedding. But I still haven't found a dress and I need to do that.
Here's to this week!
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