Tuesday, 28 February 2012


Bon Iver is returning to Vancouver. More specifically Deer Lake Park. I'd happily see him. This time I can get close to the stage and be in awe of his voice.

Reading break was a success. RoVent had 6 inches of snow, warm temperatures and many a wonderful friend. There's a boy? There's always a boy. I'm sorry that the wonder couple will not happen but maybe it's for the better. You really are one of my best friends and I don't know what I'd do with out you. Tuesday night drinking. I enjoy walking in the rain. Thursday was the Arms pub. I kept hearing about this place but was never able to go. I will never consume a red dragon again. That much I have learned.

7 pounds lost.  Cheated a couple times with pop. March I commit to detox. No facebook or twitter for a week. No pop or sugar drinks for all of March. (This means less partying hard..or if I do. lots of gin and tonics) but I'm trying to save money anyway. Mind you my bill thursday was 20 bucks. Thank god for pre drinking.

I met up with TCN friday. I miss Matt and Ryan a lot. I wish I saw them more. Pizza , laughs and good conversation. Enjoy the small things in life. I worked all weekend. Saturday was a  Said the Whale listening party. They debuted 15 new music videos to go with there new album Little Mountain. There was Q and A afterwards. I got to ask the lead singer what size his ears were stretched to . I call that a decent saturday night.

Sunday was the Oscars. The only awards show I care about. Overall pleased with results. Some have been calling the Oscars boring this year. You can't win. Either an awards show is boring or it's too over the top. There is no pleasing the masses.

One midterm then papers then it's the long haul till schools out. Registering for Summer Classes. Surgery was tentative sadly I must cancel due to finals. I'm co camp chief for a Rover Moot. M*A*S*H themed no less. It should be good times for sure.

Megadeth was my first real Heavy Metal show. I wore all black. I felt like it was Grade 10 again...except I wore a lot of makeup. Lacuna Coil has amazing female vocalist. Volbeat has some wicked guitar. Motorhead had a 10 minute drum solo and the drumsticks were juggled. In fact Matthew got a broken piece. Megadeth blew my mind...and probably my ear drums. I can't believe the show didn't sell out. It was beyond epic.

Midterm tomorrow. Snow Fall warning in effect...things are about to get interesting.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Now You're Just Somebody that I use to know

Hey gotye? You're awesome. 

I broke 8,000 songs on my Ipod awhile ago. I felt this was rather interesting considering how much music I really listen to in a week. 

Last weekend? Amazing. 

Thursday (I count that as the start of the weekend) I went to LMFAO. This is the kind of music that gets me judged. Right up there with Skrillex and Deadmau5 . Regardless I party rocked and was covered in champagne. Sweet sticky deliciousness. 

After the show I went off to a house party at Brad's. Not gonna lie I don't think I've partied that hard in a long time. Regardless it was a blast . Super Troopers ftw. 

Then Friday was the Beaver Sleepover. Pizzas cookies games indoor campfire. No injuries. They went to bed at 10:30 and slept till 8am the next day . I was beyond shocked

Then I had some retail therapy yay cheap hoodies and zombie tshirts. Then that night i went out with Mizz Bruce and my sister to These Kids Wear Crowns, All Time Low, Marianas Trench and Simple Plan (oh god I know)

Amazing show. I'm not a huge fan of simple plan but they entertained me and nothing can be as bad as how bored I was at Bedouin Soundclash. 

Sunday I vegged out. 

So far this week is off to a great start. I'm on track for school. I just need more electives. I have a tentative surgery date that's awesome. I've maintained my weight and I can see my tshirts fitting better again. RoVent is this weekend I'm stoked. 

Next week reading break..which will only be a little bit of a break. I'm looking forward to sleep

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Pessimist, Optimist, Realist

3 words that have been lingering in my brain. At one point (maybe even several) I was depressed. I didn't see a point of continuing on with my life if i didn't get into University. I masked a lot of my emotions and put on a smile.

I can safely say I've improved since then. I consider myself a realist. I'm not terribly optimistic because I hate false hope and building things up to much. 

That being said 2012 ..so far it's been hard to be optimistic about.

This week has been good so far because of Uncle John whom I could go on for hours about how wonderful he is. I've dropped 2 pounds. It's a start. I'm drinking protein shakes so i'm finding myself with more energy. I'm not asking to be a stick but I'm hoping to just get more fit and be able to flaunt it this coming summer. 

It's February this means it's but 2 months or so till May. I can't wait till you come back to Vancouver you made last summer. 

May 26th. Counting down. So excited.

I miss my friends. I'm stuck in a catch 22. I'm meeting with a counsellor next week to figure out my school plan so that will be one thing out of the way. I booked my midterm. Since I have one i will rock it so hard. I have papers to start prepping for, a business report as well as a presentation outside of my public speaking course.

I gave my human injustice speech Tuesday. I spoke about our legal system and how it isn't giving any justice. I managed to shock..and I'm pretty sure scare most of my classmates. 

I like beanies and scarves. And regardless of opinion I like the way I wear my makeup but I appreciate everyone's thoughts. Make up is my thing. It's what I do. 

No beavers tonight. Just reading, shopping possibly, and some working out. 


Party Rocking

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Never Gonna Break, Never Gonna Break

Child? July? Congratulations are in order . She seems happy. So I'm happy for her. 

I made a list of 20 things to do in my 20th year. I've done one so far. I went a whole week without make up. To those who know me so well , they know how addicted I am to it. I don't even know when I started to really wear make up I would say the tail end of Grade 10. Right when i started to look more punky and funky. 

I just got more and more used to it. Now I feel almost naked without it. But I did it. I did enjoy the extra time I had in the morning since I wasn't using 10 minutes to paint my face. And people kept telling me on how much better I look without it. People kept telling me how I have such amazing skin and that I don't even need foundation. 

Sadly make up is one of the few things I can do in which i can feel very pretty. I feel comfortable enough to walk outside and feel some what comfortable in my own skin. In fact even at jamboree I wore make up to opening and closing. But that was it. 

Camp and work might be the only two places that I am ok with not wearing make up. Work frowns upon my make up style. It's all about the "natural look"

Classes are good. I'm rocking my speeches, did ok on first poli sci quiz and will be rocking my papers and presentations due in the next little while. 

I'm actually logging my food, counting calories and trying to be more active. I spent my afternoon today prepping for Beavers and doing sit ups instead of just sitting in front of the computer screen like I am now. 

Tomorrow full day of class and then getting smashed with my ladies. I fully approve of this idea. I'm curious to see if get an answer. i prefer answers instead of just being avoided. 

Weekend will consist of work and charlie winston with best friend. I approve and am so excited. 

Time to put pants on again. 