Tuesday, 28 February 2012


Bon Iver is returning to Vancouver. More specifically Deer Lake Park. I'd happily see him. This time I can get close to the stage and be in awe of his voice.

Reading break was a success. RoVent had 6 inches of snow, warm temperatures and many a wonderful friend. There's a boy? There's always a boy. I'm sorry that the wonder couple will not happen but maybe it's for the better. You really are one of my best friends and I don't know what I'd do with out you. Tuesday night drinking. I enjoy walking in the rain. Thursday was the Arms pub. I kept hearing about this place but was never able to go. I will never consume a red dragon again. That much I have learned.

7 pounds lost.  Cheated a couple times with pop. March I commit to detox. No facebook or twitter for a week. No pop or sugar drinks for all of March. (This means less partying hard..or if I do. lots of gin and tonics) but I'm trying to save money anyway. Mind you my bill thursday was 20 bucks. Thank god for pre drinking.

I met up with TCN friday. I miss Matt and Ryan a lot. I wish I saw them more. Pizza , laughs and good conversation. Enjoy the small things in life. I worked all weekend. Saturday was a  Said the Whale listening party. They debuted 15 new music videos to go with there new album Little Mountain. There was Q and A afterwards. I got to ask the lead singer what size his ears were stretched to . I call that a decent saturday night.

Sunday was the Oscars. The only awards show I care about. Overall pleased with results. Some have been calling the Oscars boring this year. You can't win. Either an awards show is boring or it's too over the top. There is no pleasing the masses.

One midterm then papers then it's the long haul till schools out. Registering for Summer Classes. Surgery was tentative sadly I must cancel due to finals. I'm co camp chief for a Rover Moot. M*A*S*H themed no less. It should be good times for sure.

Megadeth was my first real Heavy Metal show. I wore all black. I felt like it was Grade 10 again...except I wore a lot of makeup. Lacuna Coil has amazing female vocalist. Volbeat has some wicked guitar. Motorhead had a 10 minute drum solo and the drumsticks were juggled. In fact Matthew got a broken piece. Megadeth blew my mind...and probably my ear drums. I can't believe the show didn't sell out. It was beyond epic.

Midterm tomorrow. Snow Fall warning in effect...things are about to get interesting.

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