Saturday, 16 July 2011

Pacific Jamboree 2011

Best part of my summer. I met a group from Quebec. Got sunburned danced in a field and got dusty because of it. Swam in a pool. Got a little heart broken got something I never thought would happen. Kept my Best friend as my best friend. Reconnected friendships made new ones. Enjoyed the rain. Loved the sun. Did not get enough protein. Snapped photos. Sorted myself out. Registered for classes. 

And so much more.

There are so many inside jokes and memories that I'll be holding on to for as long as I can. and just like last jamboree I'll keep making references to it. 

Thank you Scouting. Your politics and other issues make it difficult but jamborees are the reason (and other reasons) I'm still part of the largest youth organization in the world.

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