Friday, 27 January 2012

Baby Blue Eyes

Currently playing the title song by A Rocket to the Moon. 

Sometimes life is odd. In fact I'm not sure what the universe's grand plan is right now. 

My extra shift I ended up getting sent home early but hey 6 hours is better then nothing. Did well on first CMNS 220 assignment...which is good because I felt I bombed it. Writing in Uni is so subjective . At least that's how I feel.

I got an A on my first speech. Thank you job for making me desensitized to nerves. I don't even notice the adrenaline any more. Wrote my first Poli Sci Quiz I think it went well. 

But that's not why I'm smiling internet. I smile when I think of Poli Sci because of the hottie that sits two rows ahead of me. I met him actually in the caf and then found out he was in my class. We have potential plans. Why am I telling you this ? I haven't gone on a real date since October not because I couldn't get one but because I was still too freaked out. 

I blame myself a lot. And I blame myself for how things ended in my last relationship. Because as soon as it ended things seemed to get worse... and I felt as if I contributed to his cynic view. 

That being said I've been chatting this guy up with some hopes and I'm glad that I have some confidence in myself to ask someone out without total fear of rejection. 

Here's hoping the universe does my a solid and let's things work out in my favour. 

Work this weekend then school , then begins February aka the month of epic concerts , snow camping, and reading break. 

I hope this semester flies by a certain someone returns to Vancouver in May (and I'm not just talking about Roger Waters which by the way I'm fucking stoked about)

I don't know if I'm seeking a boyfriend or just hoping to casually date. But whatever happens I welcome with an open mind. 

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