Sunday, 7 August 2011

But I don't get out much these days.

Dan Mangan? You continue to rule. I also have tickets to your show in Van and might go to your Victoria show. Seriously. Can't wait for your new album.

So what's been happening. Work. Lots of it. I worked a stat holiday and made time and half. I am rather excited for my next pay cheque. 

Seeing this amazing guy. I do mean amazing. The only downside is it will only be temporary. I know this and it will hurt when he leaves until then I shall enjoy the remainder of summer and other hangouts. 

Tuition is going to be paid this week as well I plan to focus more on my diet. I had a break down with my self esteem/image in regards to my excersize and lack of results. I told my mother too much and she was completely unaware of how I really felt about my image. She really thinks I should talk to someone that isn't her. But I truly feel that talking about this will change nothing. It has to come from me. The change. And it won't come till I see results. I will finish working out with my trainer and if nothing comes of it. I will be utterly frustrated. My mother says she can see a difference but I'm seeing it in all the wrong places. (still don't have an ass) 

So for now I'm going to try and shift my focus on other things.

Driving. it's getting there here's hoping by the new year (or before I'm 20 ) i can obtain my N. That would be wonderful. 

I'm always in a weird place internet. I still feel like something is missing from my life. So I'm going to try and take more photos and hope that solves it. 

Trying to score tickets to Mamma mia! Here's hoping I can!

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