Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Blink 182

So let me tell you about my day Internet. A lot of it had to do with this band. The band being Blink 182. First off I've liked these guys since I was around 13 years old (all to impress a boy of course typically me!) and haven't stopped. I found out about almost 2 weeks ago that they were coming to Vancouver. I scoured the internet for ticket listings. They finally popped up. Then I was hunting down for presale codes. It wasn't till this afternoon I noticed one. But I had already tried 4 different ones. But I went what the heck here we go. it worked. I searched for 4 tickets best avaliable section at the highest price. I got Floor Seats Internet. FLOOR! I've never been to a concert with floor seats! EVERRRRR! Not only that I'm paying for this myself! 

So come August 31st my life will be a whole lot more amazing.

Oh right.
The rest of my day.

I woke up and had waffles again. Seriously there like crack. I visited Central a little. it's being torn down soon. Man. I can't believe that. Come the fall there will be a new Burnaby Central. That's truly amazing.

Then on a whim I met up with Adrienne. I met Adrienne through my ex . In fact I know a lot of people cause of him. We've partied hard but never really hung out. It was nice to shop and just talk and just hang. seriously. I got a new wallet shirt and a boobies bracelet. Plus some salt spray for my ear. 

I hope to buy some new bars/rings for my ear come next pay check. Life is grand internet! It really is!

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