Sunday, 5 June 2011

Wreck beach (Or an interesting 19th Birthday).

Yesterday was my best friends 19th. I mean best friend when i talk about a lot of people but Emily and I go way back. I've known her since the end of Grade 5. She would come over and stay the night randomly and we'd do everything together. So yesterday was her birthday. It had a late start since she changed her mind so I waited 2 hours and missed watching the game cause of it. We meet up she was already drunk we tried to get into the roxy but we were unsuccessful. So we wandered. The crowds were pretty redonk.

We go to Celebs. Then leave. Grab people then go back. I had 5 double long island ice teas. Then went we went to wreck beach. Soon it was 230 in the morning I can't find Emily or anyone. I searched and then just left. Course I didn't have enough cash to cab home and tried to convince the cab company whilst still slightly drunk. I then walked all the way from Wreck to West 10th. Emily called me asking where I went and I explained that the party just wasn't my scene. I couldn't really force her to leave and I pretty much did most of everything for her. I'd like to think after last night I'm a pretty awesome friend.

I don't hate last night but I didn't enjoy walking alone at night. There were froggy noises. Which was cool. and I saw the sunrise. which was awesome.

Life lessons were learned internet. So it's all good. In awesome news I got some new clothes my credit card is officially activated and I have now two days off. Most likely hanging with best friend Brad after game and consuming alcohol. it will be gts.

Maybe I'll have that tomorrow. or try a new drink. Who knows?

I also have serious room detoxing plans to do tomorrow as well. That's for damn sure.

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