Sunday, 30 December 2012
Tis the Season
Haven't been working much lately. It's weird to have free time to actually run again. I signed up for a half marathon clinic starting on the 1st. I'm kicking off 2013 with a bang. I hurt my knee at work but so far running has been ok
Watched the Hunchback of Notre Dame with the boy. I simply love the music. I then proceeded to watch Hercules. Who puts the glad in gladiator?
I'm rather worried about the new year and how things will play out.
I ran 5km on the weekend. It was hard but I need the endorphins . especially now.
Went to my first Bachelorette party. Magic Mike wasn't as awesome as I thought it would be. But fun times were had.
I worry too much. What else is new?
Still don't have New Years Plans. I would honestly rather just sleep. It would be better then last years events that for sure.
I need more sleep but I can't seem to get it despite the fact I haven't worked much this week.
My record player is set up. Here's to starting a vinyl collection.
Friday, 21 December 2012
So wait up I'm not sleeping alone again
Somehow managed to get Bbq on my backpack and hair. Not sure how. Tristan thought it was blood on his arm initially.
I believe the tram life has ruined my left ear. It still pops randomly.
It's been a year since 2 of my Beavers and there mother were killed in a car accident. It's hard to believe a year went by that quickly. It's odd to miss them but I do.
I'm feeling rather blue this holiday season because of that. Alongside the passing of my Grandfather.
4 days till Christmas? It certainly doesn't feel like it.
I think things are really going to keep changing come the new year. This year has marked a lot of that. Some changes more obvious then others.
I miss my girls and i don't know if I'll be seeing them much this holiday break. I'm actually excited for the Spring Semester. And have already decided on 2 courses for the Summer. I hope to take 3 if I can find a 3rd class.
The snowpocalypse has ended for now. The Portmann was destroying cars. I believe this known as a design flaw.
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Blame it on my A.D.D Baby
I've been missing summer a lot lately. This isn't normal for me. Summer has never been my favourite time of year. But with the stress of finals I've been missing it.
Finals finished today. Paid Spring tuition. Got a new phone that almost works. Silly network.
Getting rather frustrated with the state of affairs. I had different image of where I would be right now.
I adore you very much. Do you know that? And we can do this. We can do anything really.
I've been missing a lot of things. I miss Ivo a lot. Christmas is going to be hard I feel. But I do love my family and all the support I can draw from them. Van Dusen Gardens put on a lovely honour a life ceremony. We all wrote down messages on these paper hearts which are actually seeds. I like that. I really do.
The Christmas Market was lovely. The boy and I enjoyed wine and pretzels. I saw the Killers with Leslie. I enjoyed the nostalgia. I hadn't see the band since I was 14. That was my first concert by myself. My how things have evolved since then.
Looking forward to starting over in 2013. Somewhat at least. One Beaver meeting left before 2012 is out.
12/12/12 today. Repetitive dates are neat. New job goes well. No walking dead till February.
Alexisonfire next week. I cannot wait.
The world is that still happening?
Monday, 3 December 2012
Life happened
I quit a job then got a new one a week later. Much easier then compared to the summer when I couldn't even get a Mcjob.
I am now on the Youth Spokes person team for Scouts Canada. Keep an eye out for me in the media in the new year.
I went to Hipster Moot. Spray paint art was made. It was lovely. Just like you of course.
Things are getting rough in Scouting. I will do my best to rise above.
RoVent. Did I mention I'm helping at it? I want to be helpful I've suggested a theme and we are going with it. Here's to new experiences in 2013
I've hurt my knee. I don't know what I did. But it hurts when I walk. I'm going to the Doctor for this and multiple reasons. I guess that means calling them. I hate doing that.
I went to Ottawa for YSP training. I met Craig Kielburger. he's handsome and very nice. Learned lots about branding, advertising, international scouting. I watched the AGM. I shall miss you Steve Kent. You did a lot of great things but I'm sure our paths will cross again. I got to meet some people face to face. I met my moot Contingent leader. I learned more about CJ.
Next summer is going to be quite amazing that's for sure.
Sunday was training training and more training. The flight home was rough but boyfriend graciously assisted in picking me up and dropping me off at the airport over the weekend.
Classes have wrapped up. I saw Dan Mangan last month with Tristan. Probably the best performance I've seen so far. I missed the PPP this year but it was probably for the better.
Finals finish on the 12th then it's retail hell for awhile. I survived Black Friday so that's a start. I enjoy money and the environment I'm in so it'll all be worth it.
Looking at half marathon training, DOE, and lots of other plans for 2013.
Time to go read some more. And eat some ginger snaps
Monday, 15 October 2012
"You're new. Don't expect so much of yourself"
I completed a 10k a week ago. It took the whole day to really sink in. It's nice to be reminded then when I set my mind to it. I can achieve.
So here's to continuing on with that. Because I'd like this to be a hobby. Not just an excersise routine.
Applying for a Scouting Position cross your fingers.
Apple Day was on saturday. It was a wet success.
Went to a Cat Party. Twas nice to see the Rovers. I miss seeing them as much as I use to. I showed off my scars. They were all rather impressed.
I wonder how I'll feel about them a year from now.
I'm genuinely worried about the state of certain things. And more or less how things will play out. I am curious as to what the universe has planned.
This isn't how I pictured 3rd year. But things I know could be so much worse.
October means halloween...this means finding a costume.
I have UBC speaking gig. I plan to see my cousin this week, I may try and get over my fear and donate blood.
I just don't like IVs is all
Saturday, 29 September 2012
Jack of All Trades , Master of None
Rather irritated. But I won't let this get to me. This is not the end. Things will work out.
6 months? When was the last time that happened? Relationships aren't foreign but they seemed to be all of last year...
Running has become a great stress release. Here's hoping that stays. 10 k is 9 days away. I see myself being a runner now. If you asked me that 2 months ago.. I would have called you crazy. But I have to try. I want this running thing to be a hobby. Not just an excersise routine
I miss my ladies. Alberta is full of work I hear but it's still rather far.
I must write more. Especially here. It's not quite as advertised but not super private. I can vent more. I can't let the little things get to me. As much as they do.
September is almost over. Next thing you know everyone will be panicing about the end of the world...that's still happening right?
I miss Ivo a lot lately. Thanksgiving will be very hard. First with boy. First without Ivo.
In fact I miss a lot of things. There's things I don't miss. Going to Central gave lots of nostalgia. I miss chats with Miss Taylor, I don't miss the way I was in Grade 12. I've come far in a lot of ways . Less in others.
"I guess I take after my mother"
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
With the Seasons
My choral dreams are on hold. The running goes well. I'm thinking more races. And going more often school and work permitting.
Edward Sharpe was rather lovely. Minus the drunkard who wandered around stage running the encore.
I don't feel like I'm in 3rd year yet. I don't even feel like it's halfway through September.
Mardigras is next week. Here's hoping I can go.
Resisting the urge to spend money on concerts. I have jamborees to save for.
I'm very worried for next summer. But as well terribly excited.
I've started pondering Halloween. I feel like I should dress up but it just isn't my thing. I'm perfectly content to just hang at home.
I haven't been sleeping as well as I normally do. I have too much running through my mind. Mostly on my future and achieving certain goals.
I'm helping at RoVent now. Should be fun I hope
Monday, 10 September 2012
The week of firsts
It's 3rd year now. Scary. But wonderful
All elective courses. So I'm lonely in my classes. But not really. I make friends wherever I go.
First choir rehersal. It was full of pie. I'm looking forward to singing again. It still brings me such joy.
First day of my new job. I've joined the world of retail. It's a 15 minute commute. I am looking forward to mastering my job. (eventually)
Ran 5k. Half way through training. Tonight run again. Tomorrow run again. Just go often. It's all you can do.
Rover Moot page has been launched.
I've signed up to write for the school paper, I still have Beavers to organize.
It's going to be an interesting remainder of the year.
I still have a letter to write.
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Neglect. (But not intentional)
Let's do some catch up.
My surgery was a success. There were many tears I was frightened but my boyfriend came along and 8 weeks later fully healed. Returning to work I got a lot of "Did you lose weight?" "You look different" comments. My uniform fleece looks too big for me now.
I have scars and am glad with the choice I made. I already feel better and it hasn't even been 3 months yet.
Watched Foster the People at Deer Lake. They did do the song that everyone knows but I love there sound so much.
Keloha was a blast. I can't wait to go again next year. Copious amounts of sushi, summer heat, swimmin in the lake, and of course I met Dan Mangan again. He was rather impressed with my fan made shirt. I already have tickets for his November show. Row 8.
Tristan and I went away for a couple days. Nelson Island to be more specific. It's on the Sunshine coast and I refer to it as a beautiful middle of no where. The place means a lot to him and it meant so much to him that I could come and get the time off work.
On a sadder tone My grandfather Ivo passed away. I will miss him dearly. The funeral was a nice service and the priest even knew my grandfather on a personal level and got quite worked up when speaking about him. I will not forget and I will treasure the memories. Thank you to all my friends and family who have been there for me during this time.
I went to another metal show this year. Iron maiden. It was on the Floor and it was all sorts of epic. I enjoy my Canadian tour shirt with a Moose on it.
Florence + The Machine was wonderful. I am now a red head because of her. 3 shades to be specific. I still love my black hair but it's time for a change.
My cousin has moved here. We spent the day at my work and explored the Northshore. I look forward to future hang outs now that she is living in the same city as me.
I went Bungee Jumping and paragliding for the second time. Been having quite a few adventures this summer.
The final one being Live at Squamish this weekend. Bard on the Beach next week and Gotye next friday.
Tuition is paid for the fall. I'm looking forward to 3rd year.
I've signed up for a 10k race. I can run 4k non stop. I hope to be running 10 by the end of September. Here's to setting goals and trying something different.
It's raining out today but I am completely ok with that.
Here's hoping I can get off the mountain soon. And start things differently come the fall.
Monday, 4 June 2012
All & All it was just bricks in the wall..
It was nice to see jackish, parker and chyka. And it's nice to get along . Well at least in person and for now anyways.
I was very happy when I woke up this morning..but now due to stress..I've lost complete appetite.
Tristan had his birthday. I gave him a watch. he has never owned one prior. Noodle box was consumed.
I managed to rock my midterms , both paper proposals, and am doing super well on my online course. I thought it was going to be the hardest since it's online but nice to see my work ethic since planning 10 has since improved. Summer classes are so much more fun then I thought they would be.
Saw Idina Menzel with Tamara Smith. It was amazing. 3rd row in the front on the right. We were so close it was just spectacular.
Tiffany graduated from BCIT. Booyah. I partied with the Rovers and Tristan. Was it weird? Not at all actually. I drank but not too much since my job still manages to steal sleep from me. It's weird how people change and with studying sociology I find myself staring at people and watching there behaviours.
One week. Wednesday is blood tests and paperwork. Monday it begins. Although I slept well this morning I just stared at the ceiling...trying to clear my head and tell myself it's all going to be fine..but I just don't know that yet.
All I can hope for is a fast recovery.
I'm still not excited for summer. All I can think about is surgery and work. And where to go from here?
Least school I have a better idea. Possibly getting a magazine publishing certificate, then finishing bachelors, then getting a diploma at BCIT...hello school till I'm 25? I don't mind.
It's all going to be worth it in the end.
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
When the Tigers Broke Free
But i digress.
Birthday and Moot were awesome. 60 plus Rovers came out for an amazing weekend. First time camping with boy too. Fires, jello shots of spicyness and good friends were to be had. No rain no injuries. It was great.
Got a 50 mm lens for my birthday. Hopefully I'll purchase a Rapid Strap soon. I also today purchased a Coolpix camera. Something I can take to parties this summer, and as well Kehloa and Live at Squamish .
Snow Patrol put on amazing show. Boy came along which made it all the more awesome. I've also gained parental trust. Nice to know that now I'm 20 I'm being treated more like an adult.
Did I mention that ? I'm now 20 years old? It's eerie and wonderful.
I went to the bar friday, got drunk and apparently according to some trucker hats suit me. My mother does not agree but such is life.
I'm content with my life. I'm sitting at an ideal weight and am taking a health and nutrition course online at school. 3 credits plus hopefully a change in my eating habits. Not that there bad but I don't eat enough now...which is never good.
Surgery is scheduled. Commence freak out.
Summer classes began today. GPA rose in the spring. It can only get better from here. Profs are funny and energetic it didn't even feel like I had 6 hours of lectures today. Seriously time flew.
Tomorrow sleep, gym , shennanigans with brad, beavers then copious amounts of reading..which I may even do tonight.
Going to Rock of Ages with mother on Thursday, then Great Lake Swimmers, then Rammstein that is if I can get my shift covered.
Just one major thing I need to get sorted and this summer should be amazing.
Polaroid pictures are lovely. Why did film have to become a thing of the past?
The Avengers is amazing. Go see it if you already haven't.
Now time to read some sociology...society is more interesting that I thought it would be
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Charlie Brown
I hated how I missed them when they were here in 2009. I was beyond stoked that I got to see them this year. Not only that . I got VIP seats and although i wasn't on the floor I had an amazing view of the stage. Chris Martin your dance moves combined with piano make my heart melt.
Surprise visits are the best kind. I can't wait till you move closer. It can only get better from there.
Photography is a must this summer. Can't wait to do the Tourist challenge and have an excuse to play with Floyd.
First final written. One to go. Then a week off. Then summer semester. Then who knows? Some plans are set. Others are not.
Moot is less then a week away. Along with 20th birthday.
Friends grad show is next week. Must introduce new boy to friends. Most who' have met him like him. This is good.
Content with weight for now. It's all about perspective. I plan to focus on that more this summer. Being active. Not sitting for too long. Must look at Bikram yoga again. Might do pilates with mother. We shall see.
I feel like the year is going too fast...where did January go?
Next show is Snow Patrol with best friend Brad. Very much excited for that.
This is the beginning of something really special. I'm not just saying that. It's frightening and wonderful.
Roger Waters is next month. Pardon me whilst I try not to freak out.
I am going to donate blood. I will get over my fear. After that I'll get another piercing. Makes perfect sense in my mind.
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Sweeter then Heaven, Hotter then hell
You were away a week but it felt so's hoping this is the honey moon phase. I don't wish to be that dependent on you.
Easter dinner was relatively quiet. Everyone likes the boyfriend. Met his parents. That went well. They seem to like me. In fact yesterday was the best monday I've had in awhile.
Commence last week of classes. The group projects will go well. Again I ask why they do them in University. They simply don't work. I also have one final presentation to give this semester.
I have to pay Summer Tuition and then make some decisions.
I'm still terribly scared. But I have to try.
Old habits die hard.
The long weekend felt extra long. Happy travels to Tess. Best of luck in Alberta.
Live at Squamish should be amazing. 2 festivals in one summer? Heck yeah.
Nosebleeds go away. Along with allergy symptoms . I have no use for headaches.
The Wall is next month. Must start blasting Roger Waters even more then I already do.
I hope to survive this week. Once classes are over. It's gym study work. till the 27th.
Go Go Gadget Finals.
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
The Light is You
Thanks for an amazing Friday afternoon .
Hope you're enjoying the south.
I posed for photographs on Friday for Brad's photo project twas fun. After Friday I'm officially done with certain people in my life. I don't need people who only bring me down. Time to focus on the positive.
My stomach hurts from an ab workout this morning which is both good and bad.
I got a B on my Poli Sci paper. Whoo! Only 2 group projects left then finals, then Coldplay, then Moot, then 20th Birthday, then Snow Patrol. April is going to be very awesome to say the least.
Summer semester should be fun. 3 courses means I'm all that much closer to graduating. Here's hoping by 2014 I will have my fancy piece of paper!
Driving is tough but I know eventually I'll get there. I have to. I can't be transit bound for the rest of my life.
I'm nervous for summer but also terribly excited. There is a lot of uncertainty which scares me. Here's hoping the Live at Squamish lineup is amazing that I'll actually want to go to it this year.
The Joy Formidable is amazing. Thank you best friend for introducing me to wonderful music.
I think we actually are getting a long now..but I won't be holding my breathe any time soon.
Easter is coming quick. Excited to see baby cousins who are growing up so fast it's scary.
Time is flying...tis hard to believe I've been alive for almost 2 decades...didn't think I'd get here that's for sure.
Friday, 23 March 2012
As time passes I'm realizing more and more how serious my self esteem problem is. If I have to ask a cute boy to stop complementing me then I think there's a issue..
I don't believe in false hope. I don't believe in building something up. I don't like lying to myself. I feel like I should though. But then I'm repeating high school in a lot of ways...masking my emotions. I don't like doing that. I'm a happier person.
I looked back to my older blog....I can't believe how much as changed. In fact this has me thinking about the summer. I will take 3 classes and survive. I will hike, photograph,camp, see friends, party , work. It'll be great.
Yesterday was a long but wonderful day. Wrote 2 quizzes, gave a speech. I have 1 speech, 2 finals, 1 group project, 1 paper, and my Un Simulation. Then freedom.
Doctor. Please call. The longer the wait the more nervous I get.
Maybe that's what it is...after this surgery..what if I regret it? What if I regret my decision?
I hope we can be friends eventually. I feel like that may never happen sometimes.
The Usual Suspects have really split apart. More so then last year. I'm curious to see how the summer will play out because of it.
I'm going to Kelowna. Must buy passes today. History paper I must finish and cite. I hate citing. I'm looking forward to working in the brilliant sunshine. Maybe getting some colour on my face. Mind you I love the snow white look.
Can't believe it's almost April.
I'm looking forward to you returning to Vancouver but now I'm not sure what will happen with us.
Oh my heart .
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Young Blood
- Kelowna
- You
- School
- Summer Semester
- Surgery
- Birthday
- Moot
- Still You
- The fact that I might be falling hard for somebody
- Roger Waters
I'm going to Rammstein now too. Hurrah for people who can't make shows and I get there tickets.
Went to the states with my Dad. We don't really hang out just the two of us. We have been now just because my sister and mother are off travelling.
This weekend the weather is suppose to be sunny and wonderful. I'm pleased about this. Today I debate a skirt .
Brad has got to be one of the best friends I could ever ask for me. And is going to help me with a contest but I gotta keep that on the hush.
I fell of the wagon with working out but I still lost a bit more weight. Just gotta keep it up best I can.
Snow Patrol and Coldplay next month. Should be sick.
Thursday, 15 March 2012
You're the Hugh Hefner of Women
I have some truly wonderful and interesting friends. I have met some fascinating people at school and throughout the scouting movement.
Today was suppose to be bad. Yesterday was bad. Tuesday was great. 50/50 pie cuddles. I like you I think. I think you like me too. Question is you don't know what you really want. Plus you seem to be a little hesitant with committing.
Wednesday I had to cancel beavers due to the fact that I didn't have enough leaders. Had mother and sister not left that day for travel . Oh well. I hardly ever cancel and no one was upset about it.
Today i woke up with a pounding headache and couldn't breathe. I can feel Spring beginning. It's my least favourite season.
Tonight i went out for pizza with classmates then i went bowling with some friends. I hung with Brad and it felt weird. I see him almost every week but I didn't last week. We don't talk everyday but we manage to have our awesome friendship.
It's crunch time. Moot, Finals, working every weekend. People keep asking me how I manage to work do school, scouting and pursue boys. Time management skills. If there's one thing I can do well. it's that.
I registered for summer courses. Might have to drop if I get surgery in May. Which would be good and bad. I think about that late at night. I don't really hate hospitals but I don't like tubes going into me.
I hope the weather is less stormy this weekend . Mother nature has been extra crazy this week. I feel like she's testing me.
I should's been a long day and I have a lot to do tomorrow..
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Reading break was a success. RoVent had 6 inches of snow, warm temperatures and many a wonderful friend. There's a boy? There's always a boy. I'm sorry that the wonder couple will not happen but maybe it's for the better. You really are one of my best friends and I don't know what I'd do with out you. Tuesday night drinking. I enjoy walking in the rain. Thursday was the Arms pub. I kept hearing about this place but was never able to go. I will never consume a red dragon again. That much I have learned.
7 pounds lost. Cheated a couple times with pop. March I commit to detox. No facebook or twitter for a week. No pop or sugar drinks for all of March. (This means less partying hard..or if I do. lots of gin and tonics) but I'm trying to save money anyway. Mind you my bill thursday was 20 bucks. Thank god for pre drinking.
I met up with TCN friday. I miss Matt and Ryan a lot. I wish I saw them more. Pizza , laughs and good conversation. Enjoy the small things in life. I worked all weekend. Saturday was a Said the Whale listening party. They debuted 15 new music videos to go with there new album Little Mountain. There was Q and A afterwards. I got to ask the lead singer what size his ears were stretched to . I call that a decent saturday night.
Sunday was the Oscars. The only awards show I care about. Overall pleased with results. Some have been calling the Oscars boring this year. You can't win. Either an awards show is boring or it's too over the top. There is no pleasing the masses.
One midterm then papers then it's the long haul till schools out. Registering for Summer Classes. Surgery was tentative sadly I must cancel due to finals. I'm co camp chief for a Rover Moot. M*A*S*H themed no less. It should be good times for sure.
Megadeth was my first real Heavy Metal show. I wore all black. I felt like it was Grade 10 again...except I wore a lot of makeup. Lacuna Coil has amazing female vocalist. Volbeat has some wicked guitar. Motorhead had a 10 minute drum solo and the drumsticks were juggled. In fact Matthew got a broken piece. Megadeth blew my mind...and probably my ear drums. I can't believe the show didn't sell out. It was beyond epic.
Midterm tomorrow. Snow Fall warning in effect...things are about to get interesting.
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Now You're Just Somebody that I use to know
I broke 8,000 songs on my Ipod awhile ago. I felt this was rather interesting considering how much music I really listen to in a week.
Last weekend? Amazing.
Thursday (I count that as the start of the weekend) I went to LMFAO. This is the kind of music that gets me judged. Right up there with Skrillex and Deadmau5 . Regardless I party rocked and was covered in champagne. Sweet sticky deliciousness.
After the show I went off to a house party at Brad's. Not gonna lie I don't think I've partied that hard in a long time. Regardless it was a blast . Super Troopers ftw.
Then Friday was the Beaver Sleepover. Pizzas cookies games indoor campfire. No injuries. They went to bed at 10:30 and slept till 8am the next day . I was beyond shocked
Then I had some retail therapy yay cheap hoodies and zombie tshirts. Then that night i went out with Mizz Bruce and my sister to These Kids Wear Crowns, All Time Low, Marianas Trench and Simple Plan (oh god I know)
Amazing show. I'm not a huge fan of simple plan but they entertained me and nothing can be as bad as how bored I was at Bedouin Soundclash.
Sunday I vegged out.
So far this week is off to a great start. I'm on track for school. I just need more electives. I have a tentative surgery date that's awesome. I've maintained my weight and I can see my tshirts fitting better again. RoVent is this weekend I'm stoked.
Next week reading break..which will only be a little bit of a break. I'm looking forward to sleep
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Pessimist, Optimist, Realist
I can safely say I've improved since then. I consider myself a realist. I'm not terribly optimistic because I hate false hope and building things up to much.
That being said 2012 far it's been hard to be optimistic about.
This week has been good so far because of Uncle John whom I could go on for hours about how wonderful he is. I've dropped 2 pounds. It's a start. I'm drinking protein shakes so i'm finding myself with more energy. I'm not asking to be a stick but I'm hoping to just get more fit and be able to flaunt it this coming summer.
It's February this means it's but 2 months or so till May. I can't wait till you come back to Vancouver you made last summer.
May 26th. Counting down. So excited.
I miss my friends. I'm stuck in a catch 22. I'm meeting with a counsellor next week to figure out my school plan so that will be one thing out of the way. I booked my midterm. Since I have one i will rock it so hard. I have papers to start prepping for, a business report as well as a presentation outside of my public speaking course.
I gave my human injustice speech Tuesday. I spoke about our legal system and how it isn't giving any justice. I managed to shock..and I'm pretty sure scare most of my classmates.
I like beanies and scarves. And regardless of opinion I like the way I wear my makeup but I appreciate everyone's thoughts. Make up is my thing. It's what I do.
No beavers tonight. Just reading, shopping possibly, and some working out.
Party Rocking
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Never Gonna Break, Never Gonna Break
I made a list of 20 things to do in my 20th year. I've done one so far. I went a whole week without make up. To those who know me so well , they know how addicted I am to it. I don't even know when I started to really wear make up I would say the tail end of Grade 10. Right when i started to look more punky and funky.
I just got more and more used to it. Now I feel almost naked without it. But I did it. I did enjoy the extra time I had in the morning since I wasn't using 10 minutes to paint my face. And people kept telling me on how much better I look without it. People kept telling me how I have such amazing skin and that I don't even need foundation.
Sadly make up is one of the few things I can do in which i can feel very pretty. I feel comfortable enough to walk outside and feel some what comfortable in my own skin. In fact even at jamboree I wore make up to opening and closing. But that was it.
Camp and work might be the only two places that I am ok with not wearing make up. Work frowns upon my make up style. It's all about the "natural look"
Classes are good. I'm rocking my speeches, did ok on first poli sci quiz and will be rocking my papers and presentations due in the next little while.
I'm actually logging my food, counting calories and trying to be more active. I spent my afternoon today prepping for Beavers and doing sit ups instead of just sitting in front of the computer screen like I am now.
Tomorrow full day of class and then getting smashed with my ladies. I fully approve of this idea. I'm curious to see if get an answer. i prefer answers instead of just being avoided.
Weekend will consist of work and charlie winston with best friend. I approve and am so excited.
Time to put pants on again.
Friday, 27 January 2012
Baby Blue Eyes
Sometimes life is odd. In fact I'm not sure what the universe's grand plan is right now.
My extra shift I ended up getting sent home early but hey 6 hours is better then nothing. Did well on first CMNS 220 assignment...which is good because I felt I bombed it. Writing in Uni is so subjective . At least that's how I feel.
I got an A on my first speech. Thank you job for making me desensitized to nerves. I don't even notice the adrenaline any more. Wrote my first Poli Sci Quiz I think it went well.
But that's not why I'm smiling internet. I smile when I think of Poli Sci because of the hottie that sits two rows ahead of me. I met him actually in the caf and then found out he was in my class. We have potential plans. Why am I telling you this ? I haven't gone on a real date since October not because I couldn't get one but because I was still too freaked out.
I blame myself a lot. And I blame myself for how things ended in my last relationship. Because as soon as it ended things seemed to get worse... and I felt as if I contributed to his cynic view.
That being said I've been chatting this guy up with some hopes and I'm glad that I have some confidence in myself to ask someone out without total fear of rejection.
Here's hoping the universe does my a solid and let's things work out in my favour.
Work this weekend then school , then begins February aka the month of epic concerts , snow camping, and reading break.
I hope this semester flies by a certain someone returns to Vancouver in May (and I'm not just talking about Roger Waters which by the way I'm fucking stoked about)
I don't know if I'm seeking a boyfriend or just hoping to casually date. But whatever happens I welcome with an open mind.
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Rows of Houses
So internet what's happened recently? I scratched my cornia friday . So I missed my lG pop band with Mizz Bruce. but I did see City and Colour the night before. My god that was wonderful. I adore Dallas Green's voice and guitar.
I've also discovered a new band from that show called The Low Anthem. Top song by them being Charlie Darwin. Look it up. It's very soulful and beautiful.
My eye is healing up nicely and I'm bound to glasses for 2 weeks sadly. As well this week I have begun my 20 things to do in my 20th year challenge. One being no make up for a whole week. I started yesterday. I already feel naked.
I'm very dependent on make up. I know this. I have been since probably the end of Grade 10 beginning of Grade 11. It was something I could do and play with and I really feel it makes me more attractive. Ah self esteem issues I look forward to the day when I shall be over you.
Mind you things have improved since. I don't think I'm ugly. Never have. I just don't think I'm all that special. Pretty average to be honest.
What else? School is great. I have such motivation to read and stay on top of it. ...I literally have so much motivation to do everything but go to the gym. But I will get there and a change in eating habits has happened. Wish me luck as always.
I've gotten over the idea that I need to be skinny. I guess I've never really thought that. I just hate how some of my clothes show certain parts of me that I'm embarassed by. In fact I honestly just want some muscle! I remember back when I played soccer I had some wicked muscles in my leg...they have come back with treadmill and walking up the hill to school 4 days a week !
I just need to get the ball rolling and it will all fall into place.
I saw the film Tinker Tailor Solider Spy over the weekend. What an amazing film. I have now acquired the book and am now reading.
The wind made for an interesting day at work. Motivation to job hunt? yes. Plus it's high time I find somewhere closer to work.
Here's to a long week of school plus 3 shifts a work . I picked up an extra shift . That'll be nice on the next pay cheque.
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Getting Started
I am trying to get things started internet but it's hard. I'm in such a funk and I have no idea why. However the first week back to school wasn't the worst. I went to MM had some fun but I am not sure if I will be attending again. Money and time and commuting home will be a big factor.
I enjoy all my classes and I only have 2 finals and one midterm. I am beyond pleased by this. Considering I am taking one less course this semester.
I have 2 concerts this week and am stoked for both.
Beaver's last week was a little hard. The meeting was so quiet and it felt like something was missing.
I will miss them. I will not forget. Death be not proud.
Once the snow dissapears I will work on driving more. I have rebooked my test and am pleased with the date I have chosen. I went to yoga twice this past week and my back feels somewhat better. However my neck is in a bit of pain
I took some photos over the weekend at the Railway Club I just need to go through them.
I need to sort my feelings out towards's quite the problem.
I need to start figuring out work....and what I am going to do about it
Let's get going internet.
Sunday, 8 January 2012
Trying to find the In between..
I will book my flight. I will go see you. I will have an adventure.
I will see shows. I will have more experiences.
I will rock school.
I will go to the gym 3 times a week. I WILL FORM A ROUTINE.
I will keep yoga up. I will try Bikram. Zumba and other things!
I will challenge myself.
I will survive my surgery....and the change will be great.
I will find a new job.
I will take a summer semester (job and surgery pending)
This year will be something to remember...something to grow and learn from.
Thursday, 5 January 2012
I spent afternoon with ex. It was 2 hours of cynicism. Even I'm not that depressing. Least in real life...we're all different on the internet. We are still not out of the awkward stage. It sucks but life goes. I have bigger problems. I deposited money in bank account and have enjoyed kicking this colds ass. I spent the afternoon photographing the sights and sounds. I need a tripod. Otherwise go me for understanding more about photographing at night.
Tomorrow is Pay Day.Yes.
I work tomorrow. Please don't be windy. Please please please please.
This is my last weekend of full time work. My god. Break went by fast.
Books for school are on there way. This pleases me. Very much excited for the new semester. I went to the gym with my cold and did better then expected. I have a very petty reason to be motivated to workout but it works.
I will go on Monday. Start my routine for everything.
Organization will happen.
Monday, 2 January 2012
Thus why I left.
I worked the next day with sore eyes and cried more before my shift. I lost 2 beavers and there mother to car accident. It's senseless and unfair. I still can't sleep well and I found this out almost 2 weeks ago now...
But it's ok internet. Grief is something we all struggle with and death is but a part of life. In fact today marks 3 years since my Aunty Nelly passed away. I will never forget Uncle John's Eulogy
"Today is the only certainty we have"
With this statement in mind I've made a list of 20 things I will do this year. This being because I am turning 20. I have also made 4 major goals like I did last year
- Find closer work
- Form a daily routine with gym, work, school, scouting and stick to it
- Try and test for my liscence at LEAST once.
- Duke Trip. Plan it and do it this summer.
Today was a long day on the mountain. I'm debating going out but cold like things are making me question it.
I had a lovely quiet Christmas. Great Aunt chose to skip Christmas with us which is lame but fine I guess. I got some lovely gifts had some delicious dinner and it was just nice to be home .
2012 has a lot in store for me. 2011 overall was interesting. I grew up a lot. Got a better job, got some awards, turned 19, scars on my leg, floor concerts, PJ 2011, various boys causing me grief, completion of 1st year and switching into a BCS. (bachelor of communication studies)
Here's to achieving it all internet.